Monthly Archives: June 2015


First edition (2006)

This first edition addressed central issues related to the semantics/pragmatics interface from a cognitive perspective, gathering the work of semanticists, pragmaticists and philosophers of language.

Second edition (2008)

This edition involved contributions originating from syntax, cognitive linguistics and evolutionary linguistics.

Third edition (2010)

The third edition focused on the developmental and cognitive determinants of utterance interpretation.

Fourth edition (2013)

In the fourth edition, we gathered contributions concerning implicit contents and the understanding of non-literal meaning.


Welcome to the homepage of the fifth edition of the Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models (UICM) conference series. For this edition, we are focusing on issues related to bilingualism and cognitive/linguistic development.

The conference dates are September 24-25, 2015. More practical information will be made available in the days to come.

A provisional program, including the keynote lectures, the poster session and the contributed papers, will be posted around July, 1st.


Registration fees are 80€ for researchers and 50€ for MA/BA/PhD students (fees include conference material, coffee breaks, lunches). To register, please fill in the form and return it to (registration form)

A conference dinner will take place on Thursday evening, September, 24, 7.30pm. More information will follow.

Registrations are open.


Second call for papers for the fifth edition of Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models (UICM5)

24 – 25 September 2015, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Submission deadline: May 1st, 2015

Notification of acceptance: July 1st, 2015

Key note sessions on the connection between bilingualism and semantic/pragmatics by:

Ton Dijkstra, Donders Institute/Radboud University Nijmegen

Sue Fletcher-Watson, University of Edinburgh

Napoleon Katsos, University of Cambridge

Istvan Kecskes, State University of New York

Antonella Sorace, University of Edinburgh


For the fifth edition, we invite contributions focusing on

the impact of bilingualism on cognitive and linguistic development

How does bilingualism influence utterance interpretation? Can we identify differences in linguistic or cognitive skills between monolinguals and bilinguals? How about bi-dialectals? What are the mechanisms leading to these differences? We welcome researchers from various backgrounds to share their work on cognition and interpretation and invite them to a lively discussion of views and results.
Abstracts are invited for oral presentations (20 min. presentation plus 10 min. for discussion) and poster presentations. Please note that the number of oral presentations will be limited. Abstracts are restricted to one page A4 (including figures, tables, and references). Please leave out any identifying information from the abstract. The abstract should be submitted in pdf format to, with in the body of the email the title, author names, and affiliations. Please also indicate whether you want to be considered for an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or both. The deadline for submission is May 1st 2015. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out around July 1st 2015.

UICM5 Organizing committee: Johan van der Auwera, Gregory Bochner, Marc Dominicy, Philippe De Brabanter, Frank Brisard, Mikhail Kissine, Bruno Leclercq, Jacqueline Leybaert, Isabelle Lorge, Daniela Rossi, Nicolas Ruytenbeek, Fanny Stercq, Alma Veenstra, and Svetlana Vogeleer

UICM5 Scientific committee: Johan van der Auwera, Phillippe de Brabanter, Frank Brisard, Cécile de Cat, Ilse Depraetere, Ton Dijkstra, Marc Dominicy, Bart Geurts, Rob Hartsuiker, Mark Jary, Napoleon Katsos, Istvan Kecskes, Mikhail Kissine, Jacqueline Leybaert, Theo Marinis, Elena Nicoladis, Anna Papafragou, Nausicaa Pouscoulous, Louis de Saussure, Antonella Sorace, Marina Terkourafi, and Svetlana Vogeleer


We are looking forward to meeting you in Brussels in September!


On behalf of the UICM5 Organizing committee,

Local organizers: Isabelle Lorge, Nicolas Ruytenbeek, Fanny Stercq, and Alma Veenstra